Monday, July 5, 2010

Silent Hill 2

I have decide to include three firsts on the site in this one review: first video game review, soundtrack review, and double review. I could think of nothing better than Silent Hill 2 to review for this special.

Silent Hill 2, first released on PlayStation 2 in 2001, has been described by G4's X-Play as "the scariest of all time". I couldn't agree more. This game effectively combines two key elements of horror that many filmmakers cannot capture in the same movie: psychological terror and shock. In Silent Hill 2, there is a perfect balance of the two. It is truly one of the scariest works of any kind I have ever experienced, more than most movies, games, books, etc. The plot of the game is truly one of the best in gaming and is worthy of a Hollywood movie. It features an incredible plot twist and a story woven perfectly together.

I  must admit that the controls are a bit annoying and difficult at first, but the makers of the game gave you time to get used to them before any trouble really arises. Trust me, you really get used to the controls because it is so addicting you can't put the controller down! The riddle and action difficulty levels are up to you, but for a really good and challenging experience, I recommend a hard riddle level and easy or normal action level. The higher up on the action level you go, the more annoying it gets, not hard.

Rarely is a game ever more terrifying than Silent Hill 2. The stories you read, the monsters you see, the creepy areas you explore, the noises you hear, and especially the music you hear make this the scariest game of all time.

The soundtrack of Silent Hill 2 deserves just as much praise as the game itself. The album cover can really tell you the theme of the music: creepy and slightly depressing. It may not be depressing to some people, but there are certain slow songs on here that make me feel sad. Of course, those song were used in depressing scenes. The tracks featured in tension building or shocking scenes requires no actual scene to bring out the emotion. The music is that powerful. I recommend buying it on iTunes, and after playing the game, you will.

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